Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Universitas Indonesia, February 18th 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

For your mother and father

I always believe that this life (our life) was made for a purpose. The purpose it self means responsibility. Lets say all we’ve done in this world would be asked for replied by Allah. Either it is good or bad. Live in traditional minded family makes my way of think tend to be conventional. spend four years studying social science didn’t change my perspective. i mean, norms that planted in my head since i was a kid is even more stronger than the college’s doctrine. When i was 10 years old my mother said something that interfere my mind until now. maybe forever.

Mommy : 'You know what, you are my responsibility. Mommy and daddy have to teach you good things so you can do it for rest of your life.'

Me : 'What if You didn’t ?'

Mommy : 'If i die one day, God will asked me many things about you and your bad habits. Why didn’t you show your Kids how to be a good human ? Did you too busy taking care of your self so your kids were neglected ? and then He'll push me into Hell and punish me forever.'

Maybe some people would just laugh and think that its a part of fairy tale which is very naif and Childish. But fortunately, it works influenced me. It doesn’t mean I’m claiming my self as a good without fault person. But I’m trying to. because I’m too in love in my Parents, which are also too in love with me

Do you wanna see the proof (that most parents will get bad affects associated with bad things caused by their child) ?

Almost all of us know the accident that caused by a drunk driver named AS (initialized) about a month ago . 9 persons were die. Many of rest were hospitalized, even critical. Media, as a crucial power in this country were reporting, investigating, and even more than just covering what was happened. they were also blame this case up in the air so this case was not only about AS, the victim, and law enforcement but also her Family and the worse was a mystical impact related to the death.

AS’s Mom eventually displayed in the media for couple days. Questioned many things related to her child from different media with different interest. as we know, each media has its own benefits to pursue. She also Asked for apology from victims family in front of Million eyes who watched her live in one of TV show.

what is on your mind when you saw an innocent mother cried and stressed because of her narcho addicted daughter who caused a tragical accident?

If you asked me, i just cant explain mine.its beyond my imagination how a mother who knows nothing about the case have to go trough Excessive exposure from media. Moreover, the destruction of her heart at the thought of her daughter’s fate.

This story tells us that what ever happen, our mother and father will always stand beside us. supporting and also taking risk of what we’ve done. and believe it or not. it will also Happen in the life after death. your parent will taking responsibility of what you’ve done when you were live. so will you with your future children.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Atha ibn Yasar berkata : "Ayahku mengajarkan kitab taurat hingga tamat, kecuali satu lembar. Lembaran itu tidak diajarkan dan dimasukkannya ke dalam peti. Ketika ayahku meninggal aku membuka peti itu dan membaca lembarannya :

"Seorang nabi akan muncul di akhir zaman, tempat kelahirannya di Makkah. Dia pun hijrah ke Madinah, dan pemerintahannya meluas dampai dengan negeri Syam. Beliau mencukur rambutnya dan berkain pada pinggangnya. Beliau adalah sebaik-baik nabi dan ummatnya adalah sebaik-baik umat. Mereka bertakbir dan mengagungkan nama Allah di tempat-tempat mulia. Mereka berbaris di waktu shalat sebagaimana barisan ketika perang. Hati mereka adalah kitab suci-nya. Mereka memuji Allah dalam keadaan suka maupun duka. Sepertiga dari mereka akan masuk surga tanpa di hisab. Sepertiga lagi akan datang dengan dosa-dosanya lalu diampuni. sepertiga lainnya datang dengan dosa yang sangat banyak dan besar. Allah ta'ala berfirman kepada Malaikat. Pergi dan timbanglah amal perbuatan mereka .

Lalu para malaikat berkata Wahai Tuhan kami, Selain mereka telah bersaksi bahwa tiada tuhan selain Allah dan Nabi Muhammad adalah Utusan Allah, tiada yang kami dapati dari mereka kecuali telah melampaui batas dan menyia-nyiakan diri sendiri sehingga bahkan dosa mereka sebesar gunung-gunung.

Maka Allah pun Berfirman : Demi keagungan dan kebesaranku, tidaklah aku jadikan orang yang tulus bersaksi kepadaku seperti orang yang mendustakan Aku. Masukkan lah mereka ke dalam surga dengan rahmat-ku. "


Penggalan Kitab MAulid Ad-Diba'i
Oleh Al-Imam Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman bin Ali Ad-Diba'i Asyaibani Az-Zubaidi

Muhammad Bin Abdullah S.A.W

Its so close to your birthday.
And i don't care if they said it breaks Gods Rule to celebrate, It isn't necessary to celebrate, or what ever it is. In fact, I'm blinded by your Character. I'm madly wants to see your face.
okay, lets say I'm in Love